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Photo of Paradise Elementary during sunset.
Paradise Twilight
Learners holding letters that spell %22BRAVES%22

Learners shared our BRAVES characteristics and how they can make a positive impact on their choices at school. 

Mr. Cockrum with learners checking water quality.
Raising Trout

Under the direction of 5th grade learning facilitator, Mr. Cockrum, 5th grade learners check water quality and conditions. Trout eggs were delivered in January and learners will be monitoring their growth. 

Pictured from left to right: Bodhi A. (kindergarten), Kylie D. (4th grade), and Caleb C. (3rd grade) with their personalized PV mugs
Paradise PTO Walk-a-Thon

Pictured from left to right: Bodhi A. (kindergarten), Kylie D. (4th grade), and Caleb C. (3rd grade). These learners were our top 3 fundraisers for our first annual Paradise PTO Walk-A-Thon that was held in November. Our families raised mroe than $9,000 to support the efforts of our PTO. Bodhi, Kylie, and Caleb are pictured with their personalized PV mugs, donated by Bevanda. Our top earners will also enjoy a special lunch at school with person of their choice. Our PTO also sponsored classroom pizza parties for our top 2 earning classrooms. Congratulations to Mrs. Tomison's Kindergarten homeroom and Mrs. Averbach's 3rd grade homeroom! These classes enjoyed their celebration in December. We look forward to another susccessful walk-a-thon next year. 

child holding a scorpion.
Super Outdoor Science Day

Paradise 2nd grade participated in their Super Outdoor Science day at Paradise Park. Learners held bugs, played cooperative games and did some bird watching. Pictured are learners holding a live scorpion with the help of the Bug Man! Our brave learners discussed that not all bus with pinchers want to hurt you. 

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Attendance Procedures

apple that says attendance matters

School Vaccination Requirements

back to school vaccine checklist

CHIP - Healthcare for Children

If your child or teen is uninsured and ineligible for or enrolled in Medical Assistance, the Children's Health Insurance Program — or CHIP — may be able to help. Click here for more information!

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